Choirs & Bands

We currently have four musical groups at St. Michael's.

Alleluia Choir

This is our primary choir, which leads worship at the 10:45 service. The group is open to anyone who would like to sing, confirmation age and up. The group rehearses weekly, except during the summer. Check the weekly bulletin for current schedule, as this may change seasonally. Most folks have little or no music background, and so we plan music well ahead to allow adequate time for learning.

Bells on the Hill

This is our handbell choir. We ring three octaves of Schulmerich bells andBell line
three octaves of Malmark handchimes. This group rehearses most weeks,
 except in the summer and presents special music in worship several
times a year. We utilize many different bell techniques: malleting,
thumb-damping, Lassez vibrez, echo ring (we call it "J-hook",
from the mark in the music), gyro, tower swing, singing bells,
martellato, in addition to the fundamental ring/damp.

Heavenly Rockers

This is our children's group. Currently, we are meeting at 9:10 on Sunday morning to practice. This group is open to all children age three to 5th grade (pre-confirmation). Children are then dismissed to Sunday School. In this group, I focus on teaching children songs which will stay with them, hopefully, forever! We learn "The B-I-B-L-E", and all the names of the books in the Bible! We learn to "Stay awake! Be ready!", and that John, the Baptist ate bugs for lunch.

New Creation

New Creation is St. Michael's contemporary Christian band. The band has been leading the contemporary worship service and family-oriented contemporary Christmas Eve worship since 2010, as well as making appearances in community events. Directed by Dave Alburger, the band plays a mixture of styles of Contemporary Christian music, including both commercial and original music.